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You Have a Voice

Let It Be Heard

We are America.  We are “We the People,” and our U.S. Constitution authorizes us, the American people, to form a more perfect union, to establish domestic tranquility, to ensure justice, and provide for the general welfare.

We are ONE NATION UNDER GOD, WE HERE ARE, INDIVISIBLE, STANDING FOR LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL… and that includes pre-born Americans, our youngest citizens. 

Our unity of purpose, our common purpose, is to end the unjust, immoral, and legal killing of children by abortion, to be the defenders of children created in the image of God, to be the protectors of the lives of those who cannot protect themselves, to be the VOICE of those who cannot speak for themselves, and put an end to it by codifying into law the definition of life, completely based in science and advanced through education, and brought about by providing legislative leaders the vital information they need to make sound intelligent decisions about human life and human living.  THIS VISION of restoring America once again back to its rightful place as a civilized nation, to a nation who once again believes in protecting the smallest and the weakest of its citizens, to restoring to it a culture of life, and lifting its institutional indictment as a nation that allows the killing of innocent, defenseless children, is a vision of a day whose time will soon come.  The question is, when this new culture is finally restored, and America has finally recaptured its basic humanity, do you want your children and your grandchildren to ask you one day,…

                “What did you do to stop the killing of innocent babies when you were in office?”  

Or if you were not a legislator,

                  “What did you do to help stop it?”

                   “What did you do to finally change the law and stop this barbaric practice?”

What alternative answer will you have other than, “This is what we did to stop it.”

                   You can be part of that legacy… a very real and material part of it.

Join us in taking hold of the full authority our Constitution has empowered us to take as WE THE PEOPLE along with our God, our Creator, who has endowed us with unalienable rights, to preserve those rights, to SAVE OUR BABIES and thus to SAVE OUR COUNTRY.

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