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Recognizing Aborted Preborn Children with Death Certificates

The Definition of Life Bill Legislative Initiative is pushing state legislators in life-friendly states to recognize aborted preborn children with death certificates, consistent with its mission to codify into law the definition of what constitutes the meaning of the word "life" as it is stated in the 14th Amendment.

"No person shall be deprived of life" is commonly understood as to mean, the right to not be unjustly killed.

In kind, the mission of The Definition of Life Bill Legislative Initiative is to actively lobby state legislators to pass legislation that codifies the definition of a human life consistent with the amendment's language therein, and consistent with the life sciences definition of when life begins...which biologists all agree is at fertilization.

Science has proven that from the beginning of human life, which is at fertilization, that this now living human being has all of the DNA it needs to constitute the definition of life, as an autonomous human being, separate and apart from the host mother, and alive in its earliest stage of development (University of Cambridge, May 2016)

By extension, when such a life is lost either by a miscarriage or is otherwise unjustly taken through abortion or other means, that life should equally be recognized by the state, issuing a death certificate for the loss of that human life.

To do this, The Definition of Life Bill Legislative Initiative needs supporters to help fund its legislative efforts, beginning with the passage of The Definition of Life Bill, to give meaning and clarity to the term 'life' as stated in the 14th Amendment.

It's ultimate mission to go beyond state legislation toward a federal statute that addresses the same question of codifying when life begins. The proper interpretation of the 14th amendment demands it, and it is the duty of our legislators to address and finally settle this question.

To help put pressure on to this end and to lobby both state and federal representatives, please join us, The Regiment for Life, with a periodic gift or by becoming a monthly partner at

Together, we will make our voices heard and not ignored.

Please join us and STAND TALL FOR LIFE!

Proverbs 31:8 "Open your mouth for the speechless in the cause for all who are appointed to die."

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